So I promise we haven't fallen off the face of the earth. We're just going through a little thing we like to call senior-year-of-nursing-school-and-husband-working-two-jobs. It consists of 8 pm bedtimes, 4 am wake up calls and separate dinner times (boo). But the good news is we are having the time of our lives. So here are a few things we've been up to according to my instagram.
In August Dallas and I made yet another trip to Portland. More on that to come later, but the important part is that Dallas is awesome and signed up for text alerts if our flight got delayed or anything. And thank goodness he did. As we pulled up into the airport, we got a text that our flight was delayed for THREE WHOLE HOURS. So kept on driving and ended up at the mall and all of the sudden Chick-fil-a was calling our names and I had a huge lemonade in my hand. It was lovely, and made the delay bearable.
This is google hangout. And it saved us this summer. I had to be separated to Dallas for WAY too long this summer, and WAY too many times, so we have logged many many hours on here. And Dallas is funny. Sometimes.

Dallas convinced me this summer that we NEEDED all sports passes for this year. I obliged, and this is what we got for our first game. A torrential downpour. These clouds rolled in after 3 hours of waiting in line for our awesome seat in the beautiful sunshine. At first I figured "oh fun just a little Utah rain shower, it'll be over in 5 minutes". Ten minutes later we were soaked to the bone, and FREEZING. I would have stuck it out, but then the lightening started, and since I am terrified of lightening we booked it down those slippery bleachers (I only almost fell twice) and took shelter under the stadium. At this point I was getting colder by the second, and Dallas did not want to deal with a chilly wife for an entire football game. So he rode his bike home (remember, it was sunny when we left for the game), got the car and came back for me and a few other soaked friends I had found under the stadium. We went home, changed and then made our way back to the stadium. The good news is that by the time the game started the rain had slowed down to a soft drizzle, and we had a great time. But don't ask me if we won. I can't remember.

Because of our crazy lives, sometimes trivial things like dishes get neglected. This was taken on a certain Saturday where we (Dallas) decided enough was enough, and asked me to help him get a start on it. I was really helpful.
And finally, this past weekend we got to watch General Conference (
found online here). It was a lovely weekend, filled with family and good feelings and great food. Have I mentioned how much I love my church? So many messages this weekend that I felt were meant for me, and could not have come at a better time.
So that's what we've been up to for the past month-ish, plus some other things like welcoming a new nephew into the world, Dallas getting a second job, and practicing my baby whisperer skills. We are definitely living the good life.