Monday, November 19, 2012

Drat, we've got rats!

The first snow storm of the winter was an eventful one for us. I was trying to get over a 24-hour flu bug and Dallas was trying to deal with our hot water heater that decided to stop working. All of the sudden I saw something dart INTO OUR BEDROOM. I yelped a bit, and then screamed for Dallas. He then spent the next hour creating a trap to catch this mouse, involving a sheet of paper and a mason jar.
He was kind of cute in that jar...

I was super impressed. And then I was super sad because we had to get rid of (read "kill") the mouse. When Dallas brought the jar back in I wrote all over it with sharpie because I was NOT going to use that jar for anything else.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Jazz Game

 So our ward is super awesome and for one of the Elder's Quorum activities we went to a Jazz game. We had a blast, even though I'm not so great at watching basketball games.

We were in the nosebleeds. It was great.
Additionally, my husband doesn't know how to make a normal face. This was our attempt at getting a cute "Hey-look-we're-on-a-date-at-a-Jazz-game" picture. Excuse the photo-explosion.

This was the best one.