So once upon a time I married the man of my dreams. Buuuut, I don't have those pictures yet, so these are the ones from our cruise to Mexico instead. We had a freaking blast on that ship, and in both Cabo and Puerto Vallarta. However, because we both fail at taking pictures, these are literally all of the pictures we took.
The highlight from dinners on the cruise had to be the Warm Melting Cake. Dallas had at least one every night, and told me I needed to find the recipe...
Elegant night |
Our first port of call was Cabo San Lucas, and boy was it HOT! We took a teeny little "water taxi" out to a beautiful beach (conveniently named, Lover's Beach) and almost died on the way out there. Boats that small should not be allowed on the ocean.
Before I realized I was going to die |
Pretending to be not terrified while we posed in front of the famous Arch in Cabo |
Our second day in Cabo we took a mini cruise to another bay to go snorkeling. They had THE BEST tacos on that boat.
Famous Arch again, but with us(me) less terrified |
Dallas jumping off of the side of the super tall boat. I didn't jump. |
The next day we sailed down to Puerto Vallarta. Highlight here definitely has to be the matching Aztec calendar rings we got...which of course we didn't take pictures of.
The nasty beach in PV. It made me miss Cabo |
Tourists. |
Our cruise was literally perfect.